Health Insurance

Health insurance

What is Health Insurance?

A health insurance or a medical insurance is a type of general insurance that safeguards you against financial losses by covering for you when you’re faced with a health condition or medical emergency such as due to a disease, illness or even an accident. This includes expenses incurred during pre and post-hospitalization, annual health check-ups, psychiatric support, critical illnesses and maternity-related expenses amongst others, as per your customized health insurance plan. Think of it like that one friend who you know will always be there for you whenever you’re sick or even just feeling low.

What it covers?

Medical treatment due to disease and or any kind of accidental damage. (Allopathy Only)

Room rent/Nursing expenses

Different categories of rooms have different rents. Just like how hotel rooms have tarrifs. With Digit, some plans give you the benefit of having no room rent cap, as long as it is below your Sum Insured.

Medicine Expenses

The cost of major surgeries like liver transplantation, open-heart surgery, and day-care treatments like cataract surgery, varicose veins, and the likewise are also paid by the insurer if you have a medical insurance policy.

Operation Expenses

In case of a pre-existing disease, unless the waiting period is over, the claim for that disease or illness cannot be made.

Ambulance Expenses

Once hospitalized the person is free from the burden of transportation fees as it is borne by the insurer.

Health Insurance Options for suited for everyone

What’s not covered?